Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Citing Your Sources

You need to cite the information you found for several reasons.
  1. You are using the intellectual property of others, and you need to give credit where credit is due for other people's words and ideas.

  2. It lends credibility to your paper by demonstrating you researched your topic.

  3. If people are interested in reading more about your topic, they can use your Works Cited page to find the sources you used.
Most times, you can find the information you need to cite your source in the first lines of the catalog or database record.

On the Library's website, click on Reference Tools, then Style Manuals & Writing Guides. These guides will give examples on how to cite books, articles, and websites and how to create a Works Cited page.

Other online examples of MLA citation style can be found by doing a Web search for: MLA citation style

For those that prefer more assistance, try using the Son of Citation Machine website to format your citations for you. Copy and paste the result into your paper.

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