Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Evaluating Websites

The best thing about the Web is also the worst thing: anyone can post anything.

You should be look at a Website and carefully judging its information before using it as one of your sources. Here are 5 things to keep in mind:
  1. Authority
    Who created the site?
    Do they have expertise or experience with the topic?
    Is organizational or contact information provided?

  2. Objectivity
    Is the purpose and intention of the site clear, including any bias or particular viewpoint?
    Is the information presented as being factual or opinion, primary or secondary in origin?

  3. Accuracy
    Are the facts documented or well-researched?
    Are the facts similar to those reported in related print or other online sources?

  4. Currency
    Is the information and content current?
    Are the pages date-stamped with last update?

  5. Usability
    Is the content written at a level that is readable by the intended audience?
    Has attention been paid to presenting the information as error-free (e.g., spelling, punctuation) as possible?
    Is there a readily identifiable link back to the institutional or organizational home page?

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